Waimauku property named winners of the annual Kumeu Art in the Garden event

Word of Mouth Media NZ

Tuesday 23 February 2010, 8:22AM

By Word of Mouth Media NZ



Waimauku gardeners Jill and Vern Warren are the Kumeu’s Best Garden Competition event winners.

Organisers today named the Waimauku garden the best from all the entries in the 2009 competition. Organiser Graham McIntyre said the Warrens’ property was named the No.1 garden after considerable deliberation, contemplation and debate.

``The competition was fierce with excellent gardens submitted for judging right up to closing date but the feedback given delivered enormous satisfaction and personal pride to the contestants,’’ McIntyre said.

Runners up were Ashcombe of Coatesville Riverhead highway and Willows Reach of Boord Crescent, Kumeu. Other finalists were Molsarene of Oraha Road, Kumeu, and Dharamkot of Waikoukou Road.

The judges said the Warren garden in Muriwai was an outstanding lifestyle property that had been beautifully crafted out of low lying grazing land and ``developed on a simple flow of natural springs and gentle contours that have provided glades of colour mixed with traditional hard landscaping features”.

A special award was presented to John and Diane Sumner of Matua Road, Wamauku, for the most fun garden in Kumeu.

The 2010 third annual Kumeu Best Garden Competition runs from October 1 to November 30 and is open to all gardens in the north west area.

Four of the best gardens from 2009 are on display throughout the Kumeu Art in the Garden Festival, which is set down for November 6 and 7 this year. All proceeds will go to charity.

