Small rise in consents for new homes

Statistics New Zealand

Friday 26 February 2010, 1:59PM

By Statistics New Zealand


The number of new housing units authorised (excluding apartments) rose 0.7 percent in January 2010 when adjusted for seasonal effects, Statistics New Zealand said today. This small rise follows a 3.9 percent decrease in December 2009. When the volatile apartment category is included, the number of new housing units authorised fell by 2.8 percent.

"The trend for new housing units has been increasing since early 2009 and is showing signs of easing in recent months," business statistics manager Louise Holmes-Oliver said. "However, the trend remains at a low level," she added.

Residential building consents were issued for:
1,000 new housing units (excluding apartments)
42 new apartment units.

The value of residential building consents was $380 million, an increase of 15 percent compared with January 2009, while the value of non-residential building consents was $223 million, a decrease of 39 percent. The non-residential value is the lowest since April 2006.