Council releases decisions on Landscape and Natural Values Plan Change to the District Plan

Taupo District Council

Saturday 27 February 2010, 8:56AM

By Taupo District Council



Council has notified decisions on Plan Changes 24 and 25 Landscape and Natural Values to the Taupo District Plan after considering an extensive range of public submissions.

Council’s Regulatory and Hearings (R & H) Committee received some clear messages during two weeks of hearings for the Landscape and Natural Values Plan Changes in November last year. The Committee was impressed by the submissions and by presentations made to the committee by affected landowners, who clearly felt strongly about the future management of Taupo District’s scenic and natural areas.

As a result a number of amendments have been made to the Plan Changes, which were originally notified in December 2008.

Chairman of the R & H Committee Cr Don Ormsby says that the changes look to strike a balance between recognising the importance of landowners who look after these areas of high natural and landscape value, as well as ensuring that they still have the level of protection worthy of their importance to the wider community.

The key changes include: adding a new policy to facilitate landowners with the long term protection and enhancement of natural values on their land; an increase in the permitted area of indigenous vegetation clearance within a Significant Natural Area (from 100m² to 1000m²); the recognition of more industry standards that promote biodiversity protection; and a change in the activity status for indigenous vegetation clearance within a ‘Significant Natural Area’ (from ‘Discretionary’ to ‘Restricted Discretionary’). The committee decided not to pursue Value Management Agreements.

Group Manager Environmental Services Gareth Green said that this has been a long process, which has relied on extensive public consultation and input. “The decisions released today reflect that consultation, balancing the need to protect the district’s important landscape and natural areas from inappropriate activities, with sustainable use of these resources.”

Mr Green says the Plan Changes will be followed up with a District Natural Heritage Strategy for ongoing management of the district’s indigenous biodiversity, and design guidelines to help guide appropriate future development in sensitive landscape areas.

All submitters have 30 working days from when they receive their decisions to lodge appeals with the Environment Court. Copies of these decisions are available from council offices and online, or for more information the public can contact the Environmental Policy Unit of Taupo District Council by phone 07 376 0723 or email .