Dunedin City Council Funding Available
The First of Two Funding Rounds This Year Closes 5.00 pm Friday 26 March 2010
The Dunedin City Council recognises the important contribution made by community organisations to the overall health and well-being of our City and its residents. To help organisations in benefiting the wider community, the Community and Recreation Services Team administers funds through the following schemes:
DCC Community Grants Scheme
This is for any non-profit organisation that serves the social, educational, cultural or environmental wellbeing of the community, eg Maori, self-help support, neighbourhood, disability, ethnic, environmental, social service, youth or senior citizens may be eligible. Applications must be for programmes, which respond to an identified community need of Dunedin residents.
DCC Community Grants Small Project Scheme
This scheme is for projects under $500. There is no closing date as processing is within six weeks of receiving the application. Note, however, you can only apply to either the main DCC Community Grants Scheme or DCC Community Grants Small Project Scheme in any one year.
Creative New Zealand Creative Communities Dunedin City Scheme
The purpose of the Creative Communities Scheme is to increase direct active participation in the arts at a local level and to increase the range and diversity of arts taking place in New Zealand communities. The usual grant is between $500 - $3,000.
DCC Arts Discretionary Fund
Up to six grants of $5,000 are allocated annually to established, legally constituted, non-profit groups whose primary activity involves the development of arts and culture within Dunedin City.
DCC Performance Underwriting Fund
This fund provides a guarantee against loss of up to $20,000 for new arts or cultural performances/events. Eligible projects must either promote Dunedin's history or special qualities, which benefit the Dunedin community or contribute to Dunedin's profile nationally.
DCC Events Grants:
Community Events Grants
The Community Events Grant fund supports events which are of primary benefit to Dunedin residents. Grants are for applications $5,000 or less.
Commercial Events Grants
The Commercial Events Grant fund supports events which will attract visitors to the city, have a positive economic impact and will attract national/international media coverage.
Event grant applications of $5,000 or more, are considered via the Annual Plan process, rather than through the general funding round. (Event developers should seek advice from the Dunedin City Council Events Unit about this process).
DCC Loan Scheme:
The Dunedin City Council Loan scheme is available to clubs and organisations wishing to improve and upgrade their facilities that need more than $2,000 to do so. A loan is a good way to complete a project in the immediate future with payments being spread over a five year period. Maximum loan is $10,000 and the minimum is $2,000.
If you think that your group may be eligible for one of these grants, contact Customer Services on 477 4000, and they will send you an information booklet which includes eligibility criteria, guidelines for what projects qualify, and an application form.
If you are unsure as to your eligibility, ask to speak to one of the Community Advisors. We strongly recommend that once you have completed your application you contact a Community Advisor and make an appointment to check through your application, ideally two weeks prior to closing date, to ensure your application will not need to be returned for amendment/completion.