All new FINDUSAFLAT.COM to help with flathunting
FINDUSAFLAT.COM is crowdsourced flathunting and something quite likely totally new to New Zealand. Individuals can post their details, needs and offer a reward to the person who refers you to or finds you your next flat.
After spending weeks looking for a new home Jen Corbett and Justin Flitter decided there had to be a better way to do things.
Both are internet and social networking savvy, and are aware of what others are doing to source what they need; so setting up was a natural progression to relieve some of the frustration they had been facing in trying to get a home.
As Justin put it “We’d looked at so many places, met with property managers and waited in queues to view properties that were either unsatisfactory or highly competitive that we’d become so frustrated and knew others must be too. So, we thought there had to be an alternative.
“And was born. We thought we could offer something by way of a reward to the person who helped us find a place. Property managers want a weeks rent for showing a property and signing a rental agreement, and that’s about all they do. We’d sooner see someone ‘earn’ the money and be rewarded for their efforts.” is likely to become popular, there’s no set rules, you simply say what it is you’re looking for, and choose what amount of reward you want to offer the ‘finder’.