Hammond and 59 other artists to help Linwood College students to Europe

Word of Mouth Media NZ

Monday 8 March 2010, 8:10AM

By Word of Mouth Media NZ



Sixty artists and more than 130 works will be auctioned in Christchurch later this month to help raise funds to send a big group of Linwood College music students to Europe next year.

The annual art auction has been great for the college’s profile and raising funds. Last year $80,000 worth of art was sold with a profit of $$21,500 to help their college students on a trip to China.

Organiser Tom Davies said the March 26 auction would raise funds for the Linwood College Orchestra’s European Tour next year.

``This is an ambitious trip taking over 60 students to perform in England. They plan to play in Albert Hall in London and will be representing Linwood, Christchurch and New Zealand. The jazz band will be playing in France. It will be the biggest ever overseas trip undertaken by Linwood College.’’

Davies said among the works for the art auction at Turner’s Auctions in Christchurch was a piece by leading artist Bill Hammond and three pieces by Philip Trusttum and two by Gretchen Albrecht.

Other entrants include Marie Gant-Roxburgh, a winner of the Wellington wearable arts competition and Melissa Sharplin, who last year sold one large painting at the Linwood event for $11,000. Ira Mitchell, whose painting will be the feature cover piece of the Cassino war commemoration art event in Italy in May, is also taking part.

``This is the biggest art auction of its kind in the South Island. The auction is now closed and already eight artists have been disappointed that their work cannot be included. The auctioneer will be Ian Curry of Turners Car Auctions,’’ Tom Davies said today.

Prominent artists who have donated works include Hamish Allan and Jane Harper – both winners of the Telecom phone book art award – Dunedin’s Kerry Fenton-Johns, Herb Foley, William Moore, Tui McBeath, Llew Summers, Max Podstolski, Hamish Allen, Ira Mitchell, Philip Trusttum and Bill Hammond.

The silent auction at Turner’s Car Auctions opens on March 20 continuing through until the live auction which starts at 7pm on March 6.

The full list of auction artists are: Herb Foley, Joanne Webber, William Moore, Diane Louise, Siobhan O’Brien, Jan O’Brien, Christine King, Llew Summers, Mel Brew, Chrissy Brook, Bill Hammond, Nigel Buxton, Georg Ludwig, Hamish Allan, Merv Sarson, Gaby Reade, Clare Goodwin, Linda Pringle, Nigel Jamieson, Kathy Watson, Elizabeth Ross, Karin Hofmans-Lange, Jean Laming, Justin Galligan, Rudolf Boelee, Don McAra, Bruce McMillan, Kerry Fenton-Johns, Tui McBeath, Zita Waldron, Marie Gant Roxburgh, Russel Campbell, Marian Maguire, Robyn Webster, Mark Lander, Melissa Sharplin , Ira Mitchell-Kirk, James Hewitt, Lauryne Hart, Richard Cosgrove, Stacey Squires, Peter Meecham, Ian McGregor, Gretchen Albrecht, Susan Meares, Mike Hewson, Philip Trusttum, Eion Stevens, Barry Cleavin, Patrick Bonner, Ben Reid, Jane Harper, Juliet Thompson, Tania Maher, Rebecca Lee, Max Podstolski, Darelle Knight.