Unauthorised tree removal costly

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Wednesday 10 March 2010, 5:52PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



The unauthorised removal of community trees is actively pursued by the Queenstown Lakes District Council,” QLDC parks manager Gordon Bailey said.

“Trees are an essential part of our landscapes and they need to be protected at all cost. I’d just like to remind our communities that these matters are not simply lost over time,” he said.

Council is pursuing further formal action following one illegal tree removal in Arrowtown and have settled to receive costs over the illegal felling of a tree at Kelvin Heights.

“We have a clear Tree Policy and unfortunately ignorance is not a defence. We hold the very firm view that there is no excuse for cutting down trees without council’s sign-off,” Mr Bailey said.

For every unauthorised felling of a tree on public land, be it road or reserve, a thorough investigation was undertaken.

“There is a cost to that and it is always our goal that any cost associated with an unauthorised felling is not borne by the ratepayer but the person responsible,” he said.

If a prosecution was successful then potentially a fine could result and further costs sought by the council.
“It is a far more sensible route to seek permission. In some cases it may be granted but in other cases it is not, and for good reason,” Mr Bailey said.

Council had a process to deal with tree removal on public land and these were dealt with on a case by case basis via the policy.

“If you want a tree removed then call the council and we will investigate the request,” Mr Bailey said.
The alternative was costly.

“People risk landing themselves with a prosecution and a bill,” Mr Bailey said.