Say no to CCOs

Green Party

Tuesday 16 March 2010, 12:58PM

By Green Party


The Green Party is calling on the Government to remove the creation of Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) from the third Super City Bill.

"It should be left up to the newly-elected Auckland Council to decide whether it will set up any CCOs, and if so how many and who should be on the boards,” Green Party Local Government Spokesperson Sue Kedgley said.

“Every other Council in New Zealand determines whether it wants CCOs or not, not the central Government. Auckland should have the same democratic rights as every other Council,” said Ms Kedgley.

“There is overwhelming opposition to the Government's plans to place 75 percent of Auckland’s assets in the hands of unelected bureaucrats in seven CCOs,” said Green Party Super City Spokesperson, David Clendon.

Yesterday the President of Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ), Lawrence Yule, joined the chorus of voices opposing the creation of CCOs. Yule released a letter calling the CCOs a fundamental threat to democracy and that the government plans are “unfathomable”.

“The Green Party believes Aucklanders, not Rodney Hide, should have the right to decide who controls their assets,” said Mr Clendon.

“There is still time to remove the CCOs from the legislation by amending the Bill. Last week Mr Hide said that Parliament and the Government have already considered the legislation and decided—that is rubbish.

“The Select Committee has still not reported and the bill has not passed.

“We urge Mr Hide to listen to the people of Auckland, and amend the legislation to remove CCOs from the Bill. Look at the submissions. Change the legislation so that Aucklanders have the choice of how to run their city.

“If Mr Hide won’t listen to the people of Auckland, the Green Party will be proposing amendments to the Bill which will ensure the right of Aucklanders to choose which CCOs they want,” said Mr Clendon.

Lawrence Yule’s letter