Greens say the climate change ball is in Government’s court

Green Party

Tuesday 21 August 2007, 4:28PM

By Green Party



Hundreds of people around New Zealand have committed to taking steps to reduce the impact of climate change and are now waiting on the Government to make its move.

Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons today met Climate Change Minister David Parker on the steps of Parliament and handed over the signed climate contracts from her recent Climate Defence Tour as well a pocket guide on ways to reduce climate change.

“These contracts represent commitments from hundreds of everyday New Zealanders who want to play their part to tackle climate change. Government can no longer claim that the public will not support strong and early action.

“They, and we, have been waiting for this Government to take action for a while now, and I hope that the new policy announced shortly will live up to everyone’s expectations.

Ms Fitzsimons and fellow Co-Leader Russel Norman have recently been on a nationwide tour getting signatures on their climate contract: a two-part postcard where people pledge personal action to reduce their emissions, and ask Government to put the right rules in place.

“People have committed to a whole range of actions. These include things like committing to leaving their car at home for short trips, making their home more energy efficient and wherever possible buying locally made goods and services.

“It’s time now for the Government to make its own commitment. At the very least what is needed is a price on carbon before 2008 with the funds raised recycled to help prepare for climate change.

“While the Government’s new trading policy will almost certainly put a price on carbon which is essential to send signals through the economy and a good start, the key questions are when will it happen, how soon will it be across the whole economy and how will any funds be used to help reduce emissions and prepare for the effects of climate change?

“With today’s news that islands are starting to appear under the melting Artic sea ice, more and more people around the country are making a commitment to personally reduce their emissions. That is why we have put out a pocket guide showing how much carbon and money they can save by doing simple things at home, at work and out and about. It’s now up to the Government to match that commitment and desire for action. The ball’s in their court," Ms Fitzsimons says.