ACC to close Blenheim and Thames offices

Thursday 25 March 2010, 2:21PM



The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) today announced that, after a period of consultation, it has decided to proceed with the closure of its Blenheim and Thames offices.

Local staff and the Public Service Association were invited to make submissions on the proposed closure of these offices. However, a review of those submissions has not identified any new information or thinking that would change the proposal.

“This decision has not been taken lightly but the fact is that both offices had become uneconomic to operate. The cost of overheads, support staff and other administrative expenses are now excessive when compared to the total volume of claims being managed”, said Denise Cosgrove, ACC’s General Manager of Claims Management.

“While individual case managers may be busy, the total amount of claims work being done in these offices simply does not justify the overhead required to support them. It is also true that many clients actually live outside of Thames or Blenheim, and so did not benefit in any real sense from having a ‘local’ office”.

Existing Blenheim claims will be transferred to Nelson or Christchurch. Thames claims will be transferred to Tauranga.

“Blenheim and Thames will continue to be supported through a visiting case manager service. Clients will still have a dedicated case manager they can contact at any time and face to face meetings can still be organised. There will also be a drop box service and all the more usual ways we interact with our clients will continue, e.g. phone and email.”

“It is important to note that those who provide actual health services to our clients, e.g. GPs and physiotherapists, are still going to be there. We will work closely with them to ensure a smooth transition”.

“Case management roles are not being lost; they are being moved to another location. So this does not amount to a loss of frontline service.”

The closure will take effect from Friday 30 April 2010.

“We have now begun working with staff on what options may be available to them and whether they are interested in those options. Redeployment is our first preference but may not always be possible.”