Animal Welfare Bill well intentioned but needs focus

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Thursday 25 March 2010, 2:21PM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


Federated Farmers commends the Animal Welfare Amendment Bill 2010, but told the Select Committee at a hearing today that more focus is needed.

“It’s essential that all animals are cared for. Whether they’re kept for production, companionship or any other reasons,” says Lachlan McKenzie, Federated Farmers animal welfare spokesperson.

“We, as farmers, are well aware that our livelihood depends on having stock that are healthy and well cared for and the overwhelming majority of farmers more than comply with their animal welfare obligations.

“Regrettably, there’s a small minority in New Zealand who do not take this view and wilfully ill-treat animals.

“On these rare occasions when farmers break the law, Federated Farmers fully supports prosecution in order to achieve the necessary animal welfare outcomes.

“We’re definitely not asking for any special privileges around animal treatment.

“However the current drafting of the Bill includes a new reckless ill-treatment offence. This could unwittingly place many farmers at risk of prosecution in the course of their normal farming duties.

“Other clauses of the Bill implicitly focus on companion animals and these don’t seem to take into account the complexities and financial realities of animal ownership for production. By not doing this, there’s a risk the Bill will target and penalise farmers unfairly.

“Federated Farmers hopes that the Primary Production Committee listens to our concerns. So that when the Bill is enacted, it adds the management of animal welfare in New Zealand,” Mr McKenzie concluded.