Resignation of the Chief Families Commissioner

Thursday 25 March 2010, 3:06PM

By Paula Bennett


The Minister for Social Development and Employment Paula Bennett today announced she has accepted the resignation of the Chief Families Commissioner Jan Pryor.

Dr Pryor wishes to resign for personal reasons, effective the end of May.

"I would like to recognise the personal commitment Dr Pryor made to the role. She is passionate about the rights and needs of families and I know this is what drove everything she did as Chief Commissioner.

Ms Bennett said she particularly wanted to thank Dr Pryor for her work overseeing the co-location with the Commissioner for Children, funding and Board changes.

"Dr Pryor handled these with proper regard to the needs of the Commission and also to the needs of the Government," says Ms Bennett.

"I wish her all the best for the future," says Ms Bennett.

The Minister said that in the event an appointment had not been made before Dr Pryor's departure at the end of May, Deputy Families Commissioner Bruce Pilbrow would act in the role.