Spending caps needed for MMP referendum

Green Party

Thursday 25 March 2010, 3:23PM

By Green Party


The MMP referendum needs campaign spending caps, said the Green Party today.

“Campaign spending limits are needed to ensure that the MMP referendum is a battle of ideas not a battle of money,” said Russel Norman, Green Party Co-Leader.

The Government tabled the legislation for the MMP referendum today. There will be no limits on how much campaigners can spend.

At question time today in Parliament, Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman grilled the Minister of Justice over the lack of spending caps. “Unless we have spending caps the anti-MMP lobby will flood the airways and try buy a result in the MMP referendum.”

“We are looking forward to the debate on MMP and are confident that New Zealanders will vote to retain a fair system where every vote counts.

“It is vital that big money is not allowed to buy a return to a less democratic form of Government that suits big business.

“New Zealanders are rightly suspicious of the special interest groups that are campaigning to return us to the 80s.

“MMP is fair for everyone. It is only right that any process to change New Zealand’s democracy is also fair,” said Dr Norman.

Further information available at

Campaign for MMP -

Green Party press releases

MMP fair for everyone,

MMP referendum process a good start,