Farm Day draws a great crowd

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Sunday 28 March 2010, 3:42PM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


Federated Farmers Farm Day is going off with a bang as Kiwis start to flock through the gates of 23 farms across New Zealand.

“There’s been hundreds of visitors at the North Canterbury Farm Day in Lincoln already and it looks like there’s many more to come,” says Federated Farmers President, Don Nicolson.

“Auckland’s also had a fantastic turn out, well into the hundreds and John Banks even made an appearance.

“The activities are in full swing all across the country and the crowds are getting a taste of life on a working New Zealand farm.

“There are a lot of families coming through who are just looking for a fun day and that’s exactly what they’re getting.

“The weather’s great at most of the farms and clearing at those that aren’t quite so fortunate. One thing’s for sure, there’s a fantastic atmosphere all across the country.

“The farms will be open until 3pm so there’s still plenty of time to check out your local Farm Day,” Mr Nicolson concluded.

For details and locations of Federated Farmers Farm Days, go to or dial 0800 FARMING (327 646).

Power outage doesn’t dampen Farm Day

Federated Farmers is commending Keith and Kim Riley for running the Tararua Farm Day completely on power from a portable generator.

“The Riley’s farm in Woodville is hosting Federated Farmers Farm Day right now. The farm is also known as home to cow 569, the world’s only life saving cow.

“It’s amazing because there’s no power at their property at the moment, so all the activities are being powered by portable generators.

“If that’s not an example of good old Kiwi ingenuity, I don’t know what is.

“Federated Farmers is extending a warm welcome to anyone in the region to come on down and see the spectacle for themselves.

“It’s a great chance for the public to see the high standards of environmental management at the Riley’s farm.

“Visitors can even explore what’s going on under their feet in a ‘CSI’ style bug investigation.

“The weather at the farm is great and it’s only a 20 minute drive from Palmerston North,” Mr Nicolson concluded.