NZ and China sign dairy cooperation arrangement

David Carter

Wednesday 31 March 2010, 5:51PM

By David Carter


Agriculture Minister David Carter has signed a dairy cooperation arrangement with China's Agriculture Minister Han Changfu.
Mr Carter is on a week-long visit to Beijing, Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia, leading a delegation of New Zealand agricultural technology companies.

"The signing of this arrangement formalises the existing China-New Zealand Dairy Dialogue, a forum which encourages an open and regular exchange of views between government and business representatives in our respective dairy industries," says Mr Carter.

"It represents another step forward in the good relationship between New Zealand and China on dairy and agricultural issues in general."

China is New Zealand's second-largest trading partner, with total trade exceeding $10 billion in 2009.

"The governments of both our countries are working closely together in the areas of agricultural development and food safety, and our discussions this week have further strengthened our good economic relationship."

Mr Carter says China's Agriculture Minister expressed support in principle for New Zealand's Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases and intended sending officials to observe next week's inaugural meeting of the Alliance in Wellington.

This is to be hosted by Mr Carter and International Climate Change Negotiations Minister Tim Groser from 7-9 April.