First step to improving Canterbury water management

Nick Smith

Thursday 1 April 2010, 9:42AM

By Nick Smith



The passing of the Government's Environment Canterbury (Temporary Commissioners and Improved Water Management) Bill through Parliament today is the first step to improving Canterbury's water management, says Environment Minister Nick Smith and Local Government Minister Rodney Hide.

"Water is of huge strategic importance to Canterbury and New Zealand yet we have been failing to properly plan for its use, control pollution and take up the opportunities for storage," Dr Smith said. "It is a big call to replace councillors with commissioners but this circuit breaker is required in Canterbury to ensure water is better managed.

"The additional powers for the commissioners to fast track completion of the regional water plan, impose targeted moratoria on water takes, and to consider water conservation orders, are to ensure they have all the tools needed to make progress on this difficult issue."

Dr Smith and Mr Hide said the next step would now be on finalising the terms of reference and membership of the Commission.

"We will be appointing the remaining four to six commissioners within the next month. This will ensure Environment Canterbury can move ahead positively and constructively," Mr Hide said.

The Ministers said: "The Commissioners will need to be experienced and capable individuals, with the right mix of skills to ensure Environment Canterbury is making robust and sustainable resource management decisions in an efficient and timely manner and ensure Environment Canterbury is delivering for the people of Canterbury."