Positive developments in the ECan saga

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Thursday 1 April 2010, 2:29PM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand



Federated Farmers sees a number of positives coming out of Government’s decision to sack the Environment Canterbury Council (ECan) and replace it with commissioners.
“The head of the new Commission, Dame Margaret Bazley, has already requested an early meeting with Federated Farmers to get a farming perspective on the future of water management in Canterbury and we welcome this,” says Federated Farmers President Don Nicolson.
“While concerns have understandably been raised over the Government disbanding a democratically elected body the function and culture of ECan had deteriorated to such an extent that something had to be done.
“We welcome the fact that the legislation requires the commissioners to place emphasis on the Canterbury Water Management Strategy.
“A diverse range of groups interested in the management of water in Canterbury have worked very hard to develop the strategy which represents an innovative and cooperative way forward for water management.
“Giving the commissioners the power to rule on Water Conservation Orders as long as they’re consistent with the Water Management Strategy is a positive sign regionally and nationally especially since Government has sent a clear message about its intention to have a wider look at whether Water Conservation Orders are still appropriate.
“We are also encouraged by the indication that the Minister is looking to have a solid mix of commissioners with experience in governance, technical and scientific areas as well as an in depth knowledge of the specific requirements and problems with water in Canterbury.
“There are a number of issues we will be stressing to Dame Margaret. These include the need to use the Water Management Strategy as something of a blue print and to ensure the consent process is operating again as soon as possible,” Mr Nicolson concluded.
Meanwhile, Michael Morrow, Federated Farmers Mid-Canterbury President says it’s hoped the Commissioners will closely follow the Water Management Strategy.
“The proposed water conservation order on the Hurunui was inconsistent with the strategy and limited the potential for developing water storage options. Therefore decisions surrounding the order should be aligned with the strategy. This will restore the balance between storage and the environmental needs of the river.
“Giving legislative weight to the Water Management Strategy gives status to zonal committees in deciding on water management issues at a catchment level. This may be the best way to get decision making and democracy back to grass roots.
“We also understand the logic in placing a moratorium on any new water consents while the management of Canterbury’s water is fixed.
“But we are pleased to see the legislation gives the power to the Commissioners to get those processes up and running again as soon as possible. We don’t want to see a log jam of new consents or to create any more uncertainty for existing water users.
“The decision to fast track the completion of regional plans in Canterbury should provide increased certainty around water management but it also reduces the opportunity to appeal. A number of matters outlined in the plans are still under vigorous debate, so it will be incredibly important that the commissioners ensure the final planning framework is not compromised by the condensed time frames.
“We’re hoping the developments this week and the passing of the legislation signal a new era for water management for Canterbury,” Mr Morrow concluded..