Committee approval key milestone in Canterbury Water Management Strategy

Environment Canterbury

Wednesday 7 April 2010, 8:25AM

By Environment Canterbury



The Hurunui-Waiau Zone Water Management Committee has been formally approved for establishment, and its Terms of Reference endorsed, by the Environment Canterbury Council.

“The establishment of the Hurunui-Waiau Committee is a significant milestone for the Canterbury Water Management Strategy as it is the first to be established under the Terms of Reference developed and agreed to by the Steering Group and the Mayoral Forum,” said Dr Bryan Jenkins, Environment Canterbury Chief Executive.

This Hurunui-Waiau Zone Water Management Committee is being established as a joint committee of Hurunui District Council and Environment Canterbury. Cr Ross Little was appointed as the Environment Canterbury member on the committee.

“The water management committees are a critical part of the implementation of the Strategy as they provide for a collaborative process where stakeholders actively work to find a majority consensus in dealing with water issues.”

The central purpose of the committee is to facilitate the development of a water management implementation programme for the Hurunui-Waiau area, on a 10-year rolling basis.

“Under the Terms of Reference the committee will take into account the variety of targets established through the Strategy process, as well as other zonal implementation programmes as they are developed.”

Another key task of the committee is to monitor the implementation of the programme by the Water Executive – the body within Environment Canterbury charged with the day-to-day management of Strategy implementation.

“The committee will work with relevant stakeholders to advance the management of water by delivering creative and community-led solutions,” said Bryan Jenkins.

Garry Jackson, Mayor of Hurunui District, said the level of response and feedback from the meetings was very encouraging.

People with a close interest in the Hurunui-Waiau community were encouraged put their names forward for appointment to the committee prior to nominations closing on Friday March 26.

A series of four public meetings providing information on the committees and the Strategy were also held in the Hurunui-Waiau area.

“People asked good questions and had been obviously thinking about their participation on the zone committee,” said Garry Jackson.

Around 25 people registered their interest in being considered for the Hurunui-Waiau Committee and are now being considered for appointment.

Committee members will be expected to attend at least two meetings a month in the first year with workshops and additional meetings as required.

For more information please visit:

The formal Council decision on was:


Cr Neill/Cr Kane

That the Council:

(a) Approves the establishment of the Hurunui-Waiau Zone Committee as a joint committee of Environment Canterbury and Hurunui District Council with composition of that Committee to be considered at the April Council meeting,

(b) Endorses the Hurunui – Waiau Zone Water Management Committee terms of reference, attached to the agenda and as amended; and

(c) Appoints Cr Ross Little to be its appointed member on the Hurunui – Waiau Zone Water Management Committee Zone Committee.

Cr Oldfield abstained from voting on recommendations (a) and (b).