Why Asian kids come top of the class

Thursday 8 April 2010, 1:11PM

By Pead PR


You’re a middle-class Pakeha parent. Your kids are bright and you encourage them to study. Then the Asian students sweep all the academic prizes and leave their classmates struggling in their wake. Are they really smarter? And if so, why?

In the May issue of North & South world-renowned Dunedin researcher Professor Jim Flynn reveals to Donna Chisholm the truths and misconceptions behind intelligence and IQ. Bright spark comedian Raybon Kan has his say in “Who’s Brainy Now?” Find out who he calls “… as thick as planks”.

Also in North & South – the story behind the fall of Hanover Finance. Wellington-based writer John McCrystal documents how shareholders Eric Watson and Mark Hotchin built a high profile financial brand on easy money and a message of prudence and reliability. And yet Hanover’s spectacular collapse has left 17,000 New Zealanders out of pocket to the tune of some $550 million. McCrystal asks – who is really to blame?

Donna Chisholm’s second feature, “Fitting into your Genes”, looks at diets tailored to our genetic codes. She talks to the university professor who heads a major research project looking at how genes and diet can help individuals fight disease – even stop us getting fatter!

North & South staff writer Mike White has a lively Q&A session with 70 year-old Sir Bob Jones whose new crusade is to transform our cities – starting with Wellington.

There’s lots more in the May edition of North & South on newsstands from April 12.


Issued on behalf of North & South by Pead PR