NZFSA booklet nothing more than propaganda

Green Party

Thursday 23 August 2007, 4:17PM

By Green Party


Questions need to be asked about why a Government agency, tasked with ensuring New Zealanders have safe food, is being allowed to publish a biased consumer booklet on chemical residues, the Green Party says.

“This booklet cements the NZFSA’s reputation as an apologist for the chemicals industry rather than an advocate for consumer protection,” Safe Food Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.

“This flashy, 20-page colour booklet is the worst example of propaganda that I have seen from a Government agency in recent years. It fails to provide any real useful information for consumers, instead painting a rosy picture,” Safe Food Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.

“The booklet, Agricultural Compound Residues in Food, insinuates that it is necessary to have pesticide residues in order get good quality food, and ignores the research that shows that organic growing frequently produces food with higher levels of health promoting nutrients and compounds. It fails to acknowledge that organics is a thriving food production system in New Zealand.

“In discussing how to reduce an individual’s exposure to pesticide residues, it relies on giving advice to wash the produce. It, however, fails to acknowledge that washing does not remove the residues of systemic pesticides.

“There is sound scientific evidence that some of the chemicals used in mainstream New Zealand agriculture are linked to adverse health consequences. However, the booklet fails to acknowledge this.

It dismisses the fact that a number of pesticides banned overseas are still used in New Zealand, by referring to climate and soil differences. This is patent nonsense. Endosulfan is banned in many countries including the entire European Union because it is highly toxic,” Ms Kedgley says.