Draft Annual Plan and LTCCP amendments out for submission
The Invercargill City Council today adopted its Draft Annual Plan for 2010/11 and two amendments to the Long Term Council Community Plan and has put them out for public consultation, Invercargill City Council Chief Executive Officer Richard King said.
Mr King said submissions on both proposals close on Friday 14 May.
The Draft Annual Plan identifies nine key issues for discussion:
- Proposed rating change of 4.5%. (Council proposes to alter the rating differential for rural-farming properties from -15% to -60%. Changes are also proposed to rating valuation caps for utilities and large industries.)
- The Elles Road Skate Park redevelopment. (The proposed redevelopment of the Skate Park is estimated to cost $750,000 and Council proposes to contribute $100,000 to this project – to be funded by loan.)
- The Events Fund. (The Draft Annual Plan includes a contribution of $20,000 towards the formation of an Events Fund. The Fund will provide financial assistance to encourage the holding of significant events or performances in Invercargill.)
- Southland Football Association. (Council proposes providing $150,000 towards the establishment of an artificial surface at Turnbull Thomson Park – funded from loan.)
- Southland Youth One Stop Shop Trust. (Council would like to encourage the retention of this service and the Draft Annual Plan includes a $25,000 contribution towards meeting the building’s rental.)
- Parks and Reserves. (The proposed public toilet for Queens Park – northern end – valued at $120,000 is deferred.)
- Pools. (Council proposes to close Splash Palace on Good Friday, as well as Christmas Day and close one hour earlier on all other public holidays.)
- Roading. (Council has removed a $100,000 contribution towards road seal extensions. Charges for on-street parking meters, off-street car parks and car park building spaces have been increased by up to 20 cents per hour to generate an additional $110,000 revenue.)
- Bluff Water Supply Project. An additional loan of $750,000 is required to complete this project.
Mr King said that Council also wanted to clarify its direction with respect to the Bluff Swimming Pool and Solid Waste Management. This was being done via two proposed amendments to the Long Term Council Community Plan.
“The Long Term Plan stated that Council would assist the Bluff Community in determining what swimming facilities it needed and how it would be funded, operated and maintained. Two options have been developed and Council would encourage the community to submit on their preference.
“Council wants to ensure that the solid waste collection service it provides meets, as far as possible, the needs of its communities, now and into the future. Four options have been developed for the community to consider and Council would value feedback,” he said.
Mr King said there would be four public meetings held for the community to be informed on these issues. The first is to be held on Wednesday April 14 at the Elles Road Bible Chapel from 7pm-9pm.
Copies of the documents will be available from the Invercargill City Council Help Desk, the Bluff Service Centre and the Invercargill Public Library. Copies can also be downloaded from Council’s website www.icc.govt.nz
Submissions will be heard on 25 May 2010, Mr King said.