Terms of reference for report on Dickson petition

Tuesday 13 April 2010, 5:32PM

By Simon Power


Commerce Minister Simon Power has released the terms of reference for an independent report he has commissioned into issues relating to Parliament's Commerce Select Committee report on the petition of John Dickson.

"This petition has a long and complex history, and the select committee's report raises complex issues which I want to consider before making a final response," Mr Power said.

"That's why I have commissioned this independent advice."

The Commerce Select Committee released its report on Petition 2005/78 of John Dickson in December last year.

It recommended the Government consider making an ex gratia payment to Mr Dickson in recognition of events that contributed to his loss of opportunity to pursue his legal rights regarding a Commerce Commission merger clearance determination in 1986.

"The issues around this are complex and it's important they're given careful consideration," Mr Power said.

Peter McKenzie QC has been appointed to undertake the inquiry.

The final Government response to the select committee's report is due by 30 July.