English reveals plans to subsidise agribusiness

Green Party

Wednesday 14 April 2010, 12:56PM

By Green Party



The Government should not use taxpayer funds to subsidise loss-making irrigation schemes in Canterbury, as these schemes will result in further destruction of the region’s rivers for the benefit of a few big corporations, said the Green Party today.

Minister of Finance Bill English, was reported to have said that the Government was open to funding irrigation schemes in Canterbury providing ‘all the commercial solutions had been exhausted’, at a business function yesterday in Christchurch.

“Mr English is saying that if there is no commercial reason for an irrigation scheme to proceed, then the Government may subsidise it with taxpayers’ money anyway,” said Green Party Water Spokesperson Dr Russel Norman.

“So big agribusinesses get taxpayer subsidies because they have the Government’s ear? So much for responsible fiscal policy.

“The biggest beneficiaries of these schemes will be the giant corporations that dominate the dairy industry in Canterbury.

“The biggest losers will be the people of New Zealand and Canterbury, whose rivers will be drained and polluted so big business can make a buck.”

Mr English further revealed that, despite the claims of environmental concern by Environment Minister Nick Smith, the legislation to gut Canterbury’s regional democracy was driven by business irrigation interests.

“Finally, after all the BS coming from Nick Smith, Bill English reveals the simple truth – they are after Canterbury’s water for irrigation. ECAN and Water Conservation Orders stood in the way, that’s why they had to go.

“This increasingly anti-environmental Government talks a lot about welfare dependency, it might want to look at corporate welfare dependency, given its subsidies to the trucking industry and now its subsidies to agribusiness.”

A public meeting will be held tonight in Christchurch, where Dr Norman and Green Party Local Government spokesperson Sue Kedgley will be discussing local democracy and water in Canterbury as part of a six person panel.

“If you live in Canterbury, come along tonight to find out the real story behind the sacking of ECAN and make your voice heard,” said Dr Norman.

For more information:
Dr Russel Norman, MP 027 458 5181
Julie Genter, Political and Media Advisor 04 817 6767

Public Meeting: "Our City - Otautahi" A panel discussion on local democracy and Canterbury's water.
Location: cnr Worcester Blvd & Oxford Terrace, Christchurch
When: Tonight Wednesday 14/04/2010 - 7:30pm

  • Russel Norman MP, Green Party spokesperson on water
  • Sue Kedgley MP, Green Party spokesperson on local government
  • Dr Ali Memon, Lincoln University expert on governance of natural resources
  • Chris Todd, South Island Conservation Manager for Forest & Bird
  • Eugenie Sage, ECan Councillor
  • Garry Jackson, Hurunui District Mayor, Canterbury Water Management Strategy