Have Your Say on Additional Metered Car Parks
Should 100 new on-street metered car parks be created within New Plymouth’s CBD?
If so, where should they go?
These are the questions that will be posed in a public consultation process which begins on Tuesday (20 April).
New Plymouth District Council has identified 114 spaces in time-limited or ‘no stopping’ areas, plus one short loading zone section, within the CBD that could be changed to metered car parks.
The consultation will ask the public whether or not 100 additional metered parking spaces should be created, and which 100 of the 114 identified spaces would be best suited for meters.
“If the Council decides to go ahead with the additional 100 metered parking spaces, the public feedback will help identify which 14 proposed sites should drop off the list,” says Manager Roading Assets Max Aves.
Installing 100 more metered on-street parking spaces is in response to public requests for more car parking in the central city. The additional meters will also increase revenue to help minimise the rates increase for 2010/11.
The final decision on whether to install additional parking meters – and if so, where – will be made during the Council’s deliberations on the draft Budget 2010/11 on 28 June.
“Most of the spaces identified for meters are currently time-limited for between 10 and 120 minutes, so for many of these locations a parking meter would give shoppers the chance to stay for longer if they wished,” says Mr Aves.
“Most of the other spaces identified are on no-stopping areas where it is considered safe and appropriate to add further parking provisions.
“We expect the public feedback will help us confirm which ones aren’t needed as much as others.”
NPDC will provide information on the proposal to the Taranaki Chamber of Commerce as well as directly affected businesses in the identified areas. Information and submission forms will also be available at the Civic Centre and this website from Tuesday.
The closing date for submissions is 5pm on Tuesday 18 May.
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