CBD upgrade to start

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Saturday 17 April 2010, 8:06AM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



The $550,000 upgrade of Church Street and Searle Lane will start on Monday, Queenstown Lakes District Council project manager Lane Vermaas said.

In accordance with feedback from businesses in the affected area the 14-week upgrade of street surfaces and ‘street-scaping’ was being undertaken within a shoulder period, with completion in July.

“It’s always sensitive working in the CBD and we will be doing everything we can to minimise the impact on retailers and visitors, with pedestrian access at all times and only limited restriction on vehicle access,’ Mr Vermaas said.

The council had appointed a ‘street liaison officer’ and had worked closely with stakeholders.
“I hope that everyone agrees the result will be a much improved amenity for retailers and the public alike,’ Mr Vermaas said.

During the project there would be some ‘day-time’ vehicular closures of Searle Lane with pedestrian access maintained, although Church Street would be open to traffic for the majority of the project.

“Some delays and restricted access to various areas will be inevitable throughout the construction period but our focus is around minimising disruption,” Mr Vermaas said.