Public meetings to cover Annual Plan, recycling, waste management and air quality bylaw

Rotorua District Council

Saturday 17 April 2010, 8:21AM

By Rotorua District Council



Local residents have the opportunity to find out more about a number of Rotorua District Council proposals for the 2010/11 year at two public meetings being held next week.

Council representatives will make presentations summarising the various proposals out for public consultation including the draft 2010/11 Annual Plan, draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, draft Air Quality Control Bylaw, and future recycling services for the district.

The two public meetings are at the RDC Civic Centre on Wednesday 21 April at 3.30pm and 5.30pm.

Mayor Kevin Winters says they will provide the opportunity for people to chat with him, councillors and managers, and to learn more about council’s proposals.

“The whole consultation process is a real chance for residents to have their say before the council meets to make final decisions.

“These are all important issues for the future and we encourage any resident who wants to know more about the council’s plans for next year, to come along to one of the meetings.

“We’ll be going through the key proposals, answering questions and letting people know how they can make submissions.”

Mr Winters said the draft Annual Plan details the council’s activities for the next 12 months and identifies how they will be funded.

“Importantly, the plan signals that the council intends maintaining current service levels to the community while aiming to keep overall rates increases to just one percent – one of the lowest increases in the country.”

The draft Waste Management & Minimisation Plan covers a range of proposed services for the district. The council is also putting forward proposals to extend recycling services and is signalling a preferred option which will be explained at the meetings.

The draft Air Quality Control Bylaw, which RDC would ultimately delegate to Environment Bay of Plenty for implementation and monitoring, is to establish measures to improve air quality in Rotorua, currently the worst in the North Island. Additional public open day sessions focusing just on the proposed air quality bylaw will be held at Te Runanga Tearooms, Government Gardens, on Monday 26 April between 10am and 2pm, and between 3pm and 6pm.

Submissions on RDC’s draft Annual Plan, Waste Management & Minimisation Plan, Air Quality Control Bylaw, recycling, and all the other proposals currently being consulted on, close on 7 May 2010.

Detailed documents for all of these proposals can be inspected at the RDC Civic Centre, District Library and City Focus, and summaries and submission forms can also be collected from these locations.

All of the documents are also available in full from the council’s website and submissions can be made online.