Young people take over Parliament

Monday 19 April 2010, 2:56PM

By Paula Bennett


One hundred and twenty-two young New Zealanders, representing every sitting MP, have been selected to take over Parliament for two days in July.

Minister of Youth Affairs Paula Bennett, has announced the names of all 122 Youth MPs as well as the topics they'll be discussing at Youth Parliament 2010.

"These extremely switched-on young people have been chosen to bring their ideas and their passion for democracy to Parliament," says Ms Bennett.

Each sitting MP selected a young person aged 16 - 18 to represent them.

"Youth Parliament will focus on a mock ‘age of majority bill' and Youth MPs will debate a single lawful age for driving, voting and drinking," says Ms Bennett.

Youth MPs will also sit on select committees, attend caucus meetings, ask Cabinet Ministers oral questions and engage in legislative and general debate in the Chamber.

While they're there, a Youth Press Gallery will ensure they remain accountable to the public by reporting on what they do as Youth MPs.

The Parliamentary Press Gallery will select the Youth Press Gallery. Their names and the organisations they represent will be announced in early May.

Youth Parliament's a joint initiative of the Minister of Youth Affairs and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, organised by the Ministry of Youth Development with the Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives and Parliamentary Services.

Youth Parliament has been held every three years since 1994.


For a full list of the Youth MPs and topics: