Privatisation of ACC will hurt accident victims

Friday 23 April 2010, 10:34AM

By Green Party



The Government’s plan to privatise ACC will fundamentally undermine a world leading system that is fair for accident victims, said the Green Party today.

It has been reported that the ACC stocktake report is now with John Key’s Government for consideration.

“Funnily enough, it looks like the report will match National and ACT’s stated ideological goal of privatising parts of ACC,” said Green Party ACC Spokesperson Kevin Hague today.

“Privatising parts of ACC will drive up costs and cut support to vulnerable accident victims. It will result in uneven support for accident victims – this will drive further inequality in our already highly unequal society.

“Part-private models will not work – we have seen this in Australia, and last time New Zealand did this in the late 90’s. It is clear that John Key’s Government, despite its protestations, is committed to privatisation. We are seeing moves across the board to attack and undermine the public service.

“There is no crisis in the ACC accounts, last year it took in over a billion dollars more than it spent on claims. John Key’s Government has manufactured a crisis with ACC so that it can pursue its privatisation agenda.

“Privatisation has been the goal all along. That's why they do their accounting as if it were a private insurance company so, hey presto, a ‘financial crisis’ despite a surplus of more than $1 billion and reserves of more than $10 billion,” said Mr Hague.

Further information

Cuts to ACC unfair and unnecessary, Green Party press release

Pay-as-you-go way to go for ACC, Green Party press release

Select Committee report that includes Green Party Minority report (pg 14-15) -