Close of nominations reveal plenty of choice for elections
The closing of nominations for the 2007 Triennial elections has resulted in a nominee’s list that will provide plenty of choice and fodder for public discussion.
Nominations closed at midday today and saw a final tally of seven nominations for the seat of Mayor, 14 nominations for the six East Ward seats and ten nominations for the six West Ward seats.
Communication manager Sarah Bettle says that the final line of candidates provides an array of interesting choices for the future of city leadership.
“The list of candidates includes a combination of incumbent elected members, community leaders, emerging influencers, well-known faces and relative unknowns. All elected members are re-standing with the exception of Ewan Wilson and Grant Thomas, with some candidates appearing on the list for both Mayor and Ward Councillor.
“All candidates have provided a 150-word profile that gives an overview of their experience, political perspective and future desires for the city which will help voters with their choice come election time. We are hoping that the diversity of candidates will generate public interest and debate and result in a healthy turnout at the polling booths”, says Ms Bettle.
Candidate profiles will be available on line at when voting papers are distributed on September 21.
Voting closes at 12 noon, Saturday 13 October, 2007
Nominees listed at time of closing were:
Nominees for Mayor
Chesterman, Gordon
Harris, Alfred
Hennebry, Roger
Mooney, Joseph
Simcock, Bob
Vatsyayann, Suresh
Wikiriwhi, Tim
Nominees for East Ward
Allen, Possum
Bell, Daphne
Bos, Peter
Bushell, Rex
Chesterman, Gordon
Dickson, Matiu
Gielen, Jack
Hennebry, Roger
Landman, Jane
Mahood, Pippa
Mooney, Joseph
Orgad, Sehai
Saunders, Glenda
Yates, Dianne
Nominees for West Ward
Bailey, Gerald
Di Maio, Joe
Gower, John
Gregory, Kay
Macpherson, Dave
O'Leary, Angela
Simcock, Bob
Westphal, Maria (Marijke)
Wikiriwhi, Tim
Willson, Trevor