Govt rejection a slap in the face to Law Commission

Green Party

Tuesday 27 April 2010, 3:55PM

By Green Party


Minister of Justice Simon Power basically ruling out raising the tax on alcohol in any reform is disappointing, the Green Party said today.

“The ink on the Law Commission’s report is hardly dry and Mr Power has ruled out one of the key recommendations,” Green Party Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley said.

“This is an example of ideology trumping evidence. Mr Power is ignoring the public health research that points to tax being a key and effective tool in reducing alcohol consumption.

“I fear the hand of the alcohol industry is at work here.

“The recommendations of the Law Commission are considered and evidence based.

“By ignoring the comprehensive approach and the cry of the Doctors and Nurses of New Zealand in their public statement, ‘An historic opportunity to change New Zealand’s heavy drinking culture’, John Key’s government is showing they are prepared to put vested interests ahead of the health of New Zealanders.

“The present tax on alcohol pays for only a tiny fraction of the social and health costs of alcohol,” said Ms Kedgley.

The Law Commission report says ACC estimates that 22 percent of claims have alcohol as a contributing factor. Alcohol related injuries and health problems place a heavy burden on the public health system.

“The strain on the health system because of alcohol-related injuries and diseases is large. People who chose to drink should be helping bear the burden of the problems caused," said Ms Kedgley.

“The Green Party is generally in favour of the Law Commission’s comprehensive approach to changing New Zealand’s drinking culture and will be considering the evidence and discussion around the debate.

“Alcohol is a drug and we need to reduce the harm to families, to individuals and to New Zealand caused by its use,” said Ms Kedgley.