Taranaki's day of the pumpkin
The event will be huge but the stars of the show won't have to be.
What's normally the humblest of garden vegetables will take centre stage at the Not the Biggest Pumpkin Festival at Hollard Gardens, Kaponga, on Sunday 16 May.
And as the festival's name suggests, the focus will be on much more than simply how big the pumpkins are.
"The idea is to celebrate the variety of colours, shapes, textures and flavours that heirloom and common garden pumpkins can offer," says the Taranaki Regional Council's Regional Gardens Manager, Greg Rine.
Garden staff distributed heirloom pumpkin seed to about 200 people last spring, and many of these are expected to turn up to show off what they've grown and/or how they've prepared it for consumption. But anyone with an interesting pumpkin from their garden can also join the fun.
"Bring a pumpkin or a pumpkin dish along - they'll be judged in a variety of categories and you never know, you might be lucky," says Mr Rine. "At the very least, you're sure to learn a lot."
The competitions will be judged by the Editor the NZ Gardener magazine, Lynda Hallinan.
The festival will run from noon to 3pm and other attractions will include craft stalls and a local growers' stall, and food and refreshments will be available courtesy of Kaponga Lions Club.
A marquee will be erected to ensure an all-weather event.
"It's a chance for everyone to have some fun while enjoying the beautiful and restful autumn garden at Hollards," says Mr Rine.
The festival is part of a year-round series of free public events at Hollard Gardens and at Tupare, its sister heritage property at New Plymouth. For more information, see www.hollardgarens.info and www.tupare.info.
Both Hollard Gardens and Tupare are owned and administered by the Taranaki Regional Council on behalf of the people of the region. Both properties are open from 9am to 5pm daily, and entry is free.