Moana Rua Road Safety Fence Removal and Replacement

Dunedin City Council

Friday 7 May 2010, 11:51AM

By Dunedin City Council



Contractors will be onsite Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 May to dismantle the fence at the end of Moana Rua Road and remove clay capping and a section of asphalt seal.

Due to wind and rain erosion over the past few months, some of the clay capping at the far end of Moana Rua Road has collapsed, exposing the footings of the deer fence. The asphalt seal below the gate on the south western side of the fence has begun to give way and the gate is completely overhanging.

A lower fence and additional signage warning people not to access the beach at this point will be erected approximately 8m back from the current location. The temporary deer fence and gates installed last year further down Moana Rua Road will remain and additional signage will also be posted at this point.