Invitation To Join ETS Protest Planned For Key & Sharples' Visit To Gisborne

Clare Swinney

Friday 7 May 2010, 7:31PM

By Clare Swinney


This is the latest newsletter from Neil & Esther Henderson - the Climate Realists Against The ETS.


Hello once again Climate Realists.

Those of us who live in GISBORNE have the opportunity this coming week to demonstrate our opposition to John Key and Pita Sharples as they visit our town.

……please email us at or ph 867 8845 to let us know you will join us, and we will fill you in on the plan……. We would like placards, banners…. and lots of people!

This is a great opportunity to show John Key we are serious in our opposition to this ill-advised piece of legislation- COME AND JOIN US! Email us today!

The announcement this week of an ONLINE PETITION against the ETS is a wonderful thing… details below- please encourage everyone you know to log on and sign.

Thanks to Dr Muriel Newman (NZCPR) for initiating this.

We applaud Rodney Hide and John Boscawen for their excellent work in denouncing the ETS, pointing out with skill and accuracy the many reasons why it should be deferred.
They have travelled far and wide with their message and we thank them for the great sacrifice of time, money, effort and sheer hard work they are making for us all.
The links to some of their speeches are below.

In a less spectacular way but with equal conviction Neil is addressing the Wairoa Federated Farmers meeting tonight- no prizes for guessing the theme of his speech.
****Please note: the protest march planned for May 15th in Hamilton has been CANCELLED.***
We would also like to pay tribute to the excellent work done by the NZClimate Science Coalition- a group of very hard working unsung heroes who do battle behind the scenes as only they can.
All the best,
Neil and Esther
NZCPR online petition
From Muriel Newman:
The failure of National to follow Australia and delay their emissions trading scheme, means that we are launching an urgent petition to the Prime Minister calling on him to suspend the Emissions Trading Scheme. With the economy in an extremely fragile state, the prospect of the world’s most comprehensive and expensive ETS being imposed on July 1, hiking up the price of power and petrol, and causing the cost of food and all other consumer goods and services to rise – all at a time when the government is expected to increase GST - is untenable. Full details can be found below.

To sign the petition to suspend the ETS, go to:
Campaign to Defer the ETS Continues After 14 Public Meetings on the ETS so far, more and more New Zealanders are putting pressure on the government to halt this pointless “tax”. Farmers in particular are feeling angry and betrayed by the National led government, as evidenced by more than 200 people who came to listen to John Boscawen speak in the Waikato and King Country this week.

Come to one of John Boscawen’s Upcoming Public Meetings:

Monday 10 May
Auckland: Royal Akarana Yacht Club, 12 Tamaki Drive, Orakei, Auckland, 7.30pm

Tuesday 11 May
Timaru: Caroline Bay Community Lounge (off Virtue Ave) Caroline Bay, 11am
Ashburton: The Green Room, Ashburton Events Centre, Wills Street, (off East St), 3.30pm
Christchurch: Heaton Normal Intermediate School, 125 Heaton Street, Merivale, 7.30pm

Wednesday 12 May
Wellington: The Thistle Hotel, 3 Mulgrave Street, Wellington, 7.00pm

Other Meetings Planned – Details Coming Soon
Wednesday 12 May – Rimutaka, Lower Hutt
Monday 31 May – North Shore, Auckland
Monday 28 June – Katikati, Te Puke and Tauranga

For more information call 09 531 5531

To receive emails from John Boscawen specific to the ETS campaign, including ways you can
help us to have the ETS deferred, email with “subscribe
to ETS emails” in the subject line.
ACT Wellington ETS Meeting – Wednesday 12 May

Come along after work and join Heather Roy and the ACT Wellington team for a drink and discussion about the ETS. Our Guest Speaker for May is John Boscawen – come and hear what he has to say
and join the debate!

Join us in the bar afterwards for a drink.

Date: Wednesday 12 May
Time: 6.00pm – 8.00pm
Location: The Thistle Inn (upstairs in the board room), 3 Mulgrave Street, Pipitea, Wellington
Rodney Hide’s speech:
Speech by Hon Rodney Hide, ACT Leader, to the Waikato Federated Farmers AGM, at Hamilton Airport Conference Centre, Hamilton, Thursday May 6, 2010
Read the full speech at:
John Boscawen’s speeches:
John Boscawen MP speech to ETS Public Meeting; Beach Street Hall, Beach Street, New Plymouth; Tuesday May 4, 2010.
Read the full speech at:

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Wednesday, May 5 2010.

ACT New Zealand Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen today poured scorn upon Agriculture Minister David Carter’s claim at Mystery Creek that the Government needs to proceed with the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to avoid a potential trade backlash from Europe.
Read the full release at:
Fed Farmers media release:

$86 million ETS bill risks Government ‘being out of touch’ with farmers

From 1 July 2010, Federated Farmers has estimated the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) will directly cost pastoral agriculture almost $86 million in its first 12 months of operation. Indirect costs could see the cost impact upon pastoral agriculture almost double.
Read the full release at:
Bumper stickers, pamphlets
These are still available, please take adavntage of this opportunity to get the message out there.
Thumbnails attached- email us at with your order.
Run by IPENZ, the ‘Science of Climate Change Seminar’ will be held on:
11th May,
1.30pm- 8.10pm
EIT Lecture Theatre,
501 Gloucester Street Napier.
The purpose of the seminar is to explore the scientific basis of climate change, given the confused opinions that are currently being promulgated. The Hawke’s Bay Branch of IPENZ has no formal position on whether this change is anthropogenic or not….. the science of climate change is not well established. The purpose of the seminar is to explore and debate different views on a scientific basis.
Dr David Wratt, Dr Vincent Gray, Prof Martin Manning, Dr Willem de Lange, Dr Andrew Tait, Bryan Leyland
6.30pm-8.00pm panel discussion including all speakers - open to public- no charge
Registration costs $30 and includes afternoon tea and a light evening meal.
Further details contact Takis Koutsos, Chairman Seminar Organising Committee,
ph 06 8357 587
Funny how a government minister can be so concerned that he should instruct NIWA to correct their errors TRANSPARENTLY and yet his leader & colleagues don’t feel uneasy about the direction they are taking us based on fraudulent data.
Surely a delay until this information is published investigated and accepted would be a good idea? But then good ideas are not always worth $$$
Alan N
Burt Rutan:
First on the list and not to be missed – I consider this amazing :
This is the sort of thing that should be in NZ schools and Universities – instead of Al Gore’s discredited and unscientific horror movie…..Ken Shock
If the link above does not work Burt Rutan’s paper can be downloaded from:

Confirmed! Global warming is ‘settled’ – as a scam

‘Climategate’ author unveils evidence of ‘every deception imaginable’

Al Gore’s insistence that global warming is “settled science” has been used to defend claims humanity is on the edge of destroying the world. Now author Brian Sussman, whose book “Climategate” is being released Thursday – Earth Day – agrees it’s “settled,” as a scam.

Sussman unveils in his book evidence that the move to restrict carbon-dioxide emissions, tax a multitude of energy programs and create a “Big Brother” that would limit household energy use, among other programs, is a move to give government unlimited control over people.

National Public Radio reported in 2007 how Gore took his “climate-change crusade” to Congress and said the science on the issue was “settled.” Then in 2009 the Environmental Protection Agency declared carbon dioxide and other emissions are endangering the future of the world.

Be the first to see the full documentation of how your life could be changed by climate-related laws, taxes and regulations, in “Climategate”

Sussman’s book, the newest title by WND Books, has been charting for several weeks already among Amazon’s top 10 preordered titles. It warns that believing global warming is “settled science” is a danger itself.