Lunchtime habits of Kiwis revealed

Monday 10 May 2010, 10:59AM

By Domino's Pizza New Zealand


Domino's Oven Baked Sandwiches range
Domino's Oven Baked Sandwiches range Credit: Domino's Pizza
The Ultimate lunch has arrived
The Ultimate lunch has arrived Credit:
Sweet Chilli Chicken - Tomato, Spinach and Bacon - Meatball
Sweet Chilli Chicken - Tomato, Spinach and Bacon - Meatball Credit:
Sweet Chilli Chicken
Sweet Chilli Chicken Credit:
Meatball Credit:
Tomato, Spinach and Bacon
Tomato, Spinach and Bacon Credit:

A survey commissioned by Domino’s Pizza to launch their new Oven Baked Sandwiches has found many Kiwis prefer to have sex than eat their lunch at lunchtime.

This suprising result comes from an online survey of over 8,700 people by Domino’s Pizza on the lunchtime habits of Kiwis.

One third of respondents said they’ve engaged in a sex act whilst on their lunch break. Others are more focussed on what they’re eating and more specifically what their colleauges are eating.

If you’ve ever felt jealous of your workmate’s lunch contents, you’re not alone. 66 per cent of New Zealanders admit to having covetted their colleague’s lunch and in some cases even helped themselves to it.
Kiwis are a hard working bunch with three quarters of respondents taking 30 minutes or less to have a lunch break and one third of those surveyed admitted to not taking a lunch break every day.

More than half of workers enjoy their lunch in their company’s lunch room, a large number often eat at their desks, in the car or on the run.

Ryan Bohm, General Manager, Domino’s Pizza said the survey has revealed some startling facts.
“The results have clearly shown we’re a nation of workers who like to have our cake and eat it too. I think there will be a fair few Kiwis keeping a closer eye on their colleagues at lunchtime after reading these results,” said Bohm.

When it comes to what Kiwis are eating for lunch, 58 per cent predominantly make their lunch at home. The most popular home-made meals appear to be last night’s leftovers and sandwiches with a diverse range of fillings.
Of those that purchase their lunch, the majority spend $10-20 each week on everything from gourmet sandwiches and pies to sushi, salads and fast food. Many respondents described their favourite lunch as one they haven’t had to prepare themselves.

As for what else Kiwis do on their lunch break the most common responses were reading, doing a crossword, going to the gym, surfing the internet, visiting social networking sites, running personal errands and going shopping.

While a substantial number of respondents describe their most memorable lunch break as involving a sexual experience, others have got engaged, discovered they were pregnant, witnessed a car accident, been tattooed and played practical jokes on colleagues.

The ultimate lunch breaks people dream of include being whisked away by helicopter to a five-star lunch on a luxury yacht, fulfilling a sexual fantasy or having their boss serve them lunch, while others hoped for something more simplistic like not having to prepare it themselves.

Domino’s oven baked sandwiches will be available from May 10 in five flavours – Meatball; Sweet Chilli Chicken; Chicken Delight; Tomato, Spinach and Bacon; and Italian.


The survey was conducted by Domino’s Pizza New Zealand using It involved an online interview of 8,715 New Zealanders in the workforce.