Do what you enjoy and you will succeed, business graduates told

Tuesday 11 May 2010, 3:44PM

By Massey University



Wellington businessman Nigel Gould told graduates to do only what they enjoy in their careers and to take stock of what they have achieved every six months.

Speaking at the College of Business Graduation ceremony at the Regent on Broadway theatre yesterday, Dr Gould said diversity in his career had opened many doors.

“Every six months look back and reflect what you have achieved and see if you have learnt something new,” he told graduates.

“As Shakespeare said, we know what we are but not what we may be. Encourage all as you progress your careers to live your dreams, do what you enjoy with integrity and share your success and experience within the community.”

Dr Gould was awarded an honorary doctorate in commerce in recognition of his outstanding service to the University, to tertiary education and to the Wellington commercial sector.

Introducing the award, Professor Emeritus Graeme Fraser outlined many of Dr Gould’s roles including setting up information technology company Comtex Group, chairing the Wellington Harbour Board and a six-year tenure as Chancellor of Massey University.

“Nigel has willingly applied himself in the service of others,” he said. “Team work to him is a way of life because he provides a very trusting environment.”

At the same ceremony, Professor Allan Rae, of the College of Business, was conferred with one of the University’s highest academic honours – a Doctor of Science degree.

His research into agricultural economics and trade policy has made a lasting contribution to the industry.

In total, 295 College of Business students crossed the stage to be capped and then paraded to the Square, where balloons were released, to celebrate their achievements.

University staff members Douglas Ashwell, of the School of Communication Journalism and Marketing and Song Shi and Eugene Lai, of the School of Economics and Finance, were among those receiving their PhDs. Dr Shi’s study called Monthly house price indicies and their applications in New Zealand received an award on the Dean’s List of exceptional doctoral theses.