Bus service to be bigger, busier
More buses serving more areas more frequently - that's what's in store for New Plymouth commuters on 31 May as a revamped public transport network is launched.
The urban bus fleet will almost double overnight to cater for the expanded services.
Details of the new routes, timetables and fares for commuter and school services are now available at www.taranakibus.info, and will be distributed with the North Taranaki Midweek newspaper on 26 May. They will also be available at libraries, information centres and schools.
The improvements will include:
- Urban New Plymouth commuter routes being increased from four to nine.
- Existing urban services serving multiple suburbs being split to create shorter, more direct services, each serving fewer suburbs.
- New services to areas such as Whalers Gate, Ferndale and Glen Avon, which are not currently in the network.
- Six-day-a-week services to and from The Valley.
- A cut in the average journey time from 40 minutes to approximately 30 minutes (for the complete route).
- Increased frequency on urban routes, with a bus every 30 minutes (peak time) or 60 minutes (off-peak).
- Most urban schoolbus services being streamlined into two-way orbiters covering all New Plymouth secondary and intermediate schools, reducing the need to change buses.
- SmartCard electronic ticketing across the entire network. It is currently available only on the four existing urban routes.
- Oakura getting a dedicated commuter service linking the township with the Ariki Street Bus Centre in New Plymouth.
- There will be a modest rise in fares to ensure that users pay a portion of the increased cost of the new services. Electronic SmartCard ticketing will replace 10-ride concession fares for commuter services, as well as term passes and year passes for school services. SmartCard users will enjoy significant fare discounts.
SmartCard application forms are available on the buses, at the Ariki Street Bus Station and at schools in the lead-up to, during and after the launch of the revamped bus service.
"These changes will bring New Plymouth's public transport system into line with those of similar sized cities elsewhere in New Zealand," says the Taranaki Regional Council's Director-Operations, Rob Phillips.
"Since the Government agreed late last year to fund half the cost of the improvements, we've been working closely with our contractor, Tranzit Coachlines, and with the New Plymouth District Council to settle the fine detail of timetables, routes, bus stops and bus shelters."
He says the Taranaki Regional Council and the NZ Transport Agency will review the improved service in March 2012 to ensure it is delivering value for money.
"This means people need to be using the service, as the old adage still applies: Use it or lose it."
For more information on the new routes, timetables and fares, click on the link below:
Information on new bus service