Awareness of much greater responsibility to "get it right"

Environment Canterbury

Friday 14 May 2010, 4:52PM

By Environment Canterbury



The need to “get it right” and to make “sound, balanced decisions for the management of the natural and physical resources of Canterbury,” was reiterated at today’s Environment Canterbury council meeting.

Commissioners endorsed the terms of reference of the Canterbury Water Management Strategy’s regional committee, which will include two commissioners.

Commissioner Peter Skelton said the adoption of the terms of reference and appointment of commissioners to the committee signalled the commissioners’ whole-hearted endorsement of the Canterbury Water Management Strategy “and our willingness to participate in that progress in the future.”

“Outside this organisation, there’s been some concerns about the views the commissioners would take of the strategy. Although the Environment Canterbury Act provides in a limited way for recognition of the vision and principles in the strategy document and for us to have particular regard to it in our decision-making, the strategy is not a statutory instrument.

“We could have declined to be involved with the strategy. But we endorse it.”

He noted that the commissioners also had a statutory responsibility as the regulator of water management in the region. “We must never lose sight of that.”

He refuted any notions of “secret agendas” saying they were a “fantasy.”

“I would not be here if there was any hidden agenda. We are here to do our duties within the statutes that guide us. I hope that talk of hidden agendas and conflicts of interest might be put aside and that we have the support of the people of Canterbury.”

He said that the new legislation gave the commissioners some “quite extraordinary and I think unprecedented powers to fulfil our role.”

“There’s been criticism by some people around these issues. But having been given these powers, we have an additional burden upon us to ensure we get it right. We don’t have the comfort of the oversight of the Environment Court which local authorities often look to for guidance.

“The powers we have been given have additional responsibility with them.”

Commissioner Skelton said rather than providing them with a big stick to wield, it gave them much greater awareness of the responsibility they hold. “We are all conscious of the need to be of aware of our responsibilities in that regard.”

Commissioners David Caygill and Peter Skelton were appointed Environment Canterbury’s representatives on the regional committee.

Originally, the regional council was to have just one representative on the committee, however the strategy’s steering group and the Mayoral forum recently agreed to the additional regional representative. Commissioner Tom Lambie said it represented a “huge endorsement of the community input.”

“If we are to find solutions to water issues, this regional committee will be a key part of that.”

The Canterbury Water Management Strategy regional committee is charged with defining where additional water may be available for environmental restoration and economic production. Its role is to develop an implementation programme to address issues and projects beyond the scope of the zone committees, including water storage and supply infrastructure.

The regional committee will comprise the chairs of each zone committee (up to 10), three territorial authority appointees, three runanga appointees, two appointees from Environment Canterbury and one appointee from Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu and Christchurch City Council. There will also be members from a number of sectors – for example, fisheries, energy, environmental/biodiversity, agricultural, recreational or regional development groups.

All appointments are for a three-year cycle with community members paid a nominal stipend and travel expenses covered.

For further information on the regional water management committee – terms of reference, background: