Fruit fly discovery a huge save for New Zealand

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Saturday 22 May 2010, 9:56AM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


Federated Farmers has congratulated MAF Biosecurirty for intercepting a consignment of fruit imported from Queensland, which contained viable fruit fly eggs.

“MAF Biosecurity New Zealand has saved New Zealand exporters yet again,” says John Hartnell, Federated Farmers biosecurity spokesperson.

“Queensland Fruitfly is a serious insect pest of fruit crops and it would have dire consequences for New Zealand’s multi-billion horticultural industry. In the mid-1990s, Mediterranean Fruitfly saw New Zealand fruit locked out of Asian countries for a year.

“It’s a warming sign why more investment in the border is needed. Biosecurity protects $25 billion worth of agricultural exports.

“While this fruit was in a shipment, there is significant risk from air passengers carrying contaminated fruit or even European foulbrood infected honey over the border. It highlights that Australia is not necessarily the ‘low risk’ country it is often assumed to be.

“It further highlights why it is illogical to look at cost-sharing biosecurity incursions with exporters. This fruit fly save underscores that you cannot export a biosecurity incursion into New Zealand.

“Federated Farmers fully supports moves to halt imports from Queensland until we get some cast iron assurances,” Mr Hartnell concluded.