Canterbury Civil Defence monitoring upcoming weather front

Monday 24 May 2010, 11:28AM

By Christchurch City Council



The Canterbury Civil Defence Emergency Management Group is advising all residents in the region, in particular residents in South Canterbury, to prepare for a significant weather front after MetService released a severe weather outlook for today.

Jon Mitchell, Canterbury Emergency Management Office Emergency Manager, says emergency personnel are monitoring the situation very closely.

“Winter has certainly started. We are monitoring the rivers very closely, but we are also concerned with the gales and snow forecasted by Blue Skies,” says Jon Mitchell.

Blue Skies weather service has released a forecast with snow down to 500 metres and significant gales for the Canterbury region.

Police advise people to drive to the conditions and reduce speed. Drivers should also avoid flood waters. Drivers are advised to take emergency supplies in their vehicles including blankets, walking shoes, waterproof clothing, essential medicines, food, water and a torch.

People are advised to ensure they have enough emergency supplies and getaway kits. For more information about preparing for emergencies, go to

People are also advised to listen to the radio stations for local information from their district or city council emergency management offices: