Chamber welcomes measures to strengthen Auckland Council control over CCOs

Auckland Chamber of Commerce

Monday 24 May 2010, 5:03PM

By Auckland Chamber of Commerce



The changes to Auckland’s governance reforms to make it explicit that Auckland Council can remove CCO directors from day one were today welcomed by Auckland Chamber of Commerce CEO, Michael Barnett.

“It is pleasing that the Select Committee has taken action on a number of key points of concern to the Chamber in the submission it made on the Bill last year, including making it clear that the job of the CCOs is to give effect to the policy and strategies of Auckland Council.”

The CCOs will be spending money provided by rate payers, so it is obvious they should be responsible and democratically accountable to the elected Auckland Council politicians, said Mr Barnett.

However, he expressed some concerns as to whether at the end of the day the new governance model will be any easier to do business with and easier for citizens to participate in.

“I note that there are still no details available on four of the proposed CCOs and in particular that on economic development, tourism and major events.”

Also missing are important details on how each CCO silo will be expected to work together and what relationship they will have with the Auckland Council and 21 Local Boards, and precisely what their functions, powers and duties will be.

“As I have said previously, the new Council needs to establish a culture of excellence in everything it does and be supported by efficient and cost-effective services.”

There is still a concern that all we are doing is replacing the decision-making silos of a Regional and seven local councils with those of a mega council, 21 local boards and seven CCOs without any clearer idea of the new decision-making model that will be required for them to collaborate and work together effectively.