Rates inquiry answers many questions

Green Party

Tuesday 28 August 2007, 3:04PM

By Green Party


The Green Party is welcoming the report of the Independent Inquiry into Local Government Rates and supports the implementation of many of its recommendations.

“We agree with the panel that environmental taxes have potential value. There is definite merit in considering a visitor levy to mitigate their impact on the environment. Local Authorities and the Conservation Department could well do with more funds to protect New Zealand’s clean and green image,” Local Government Spokesperson Metiria Turei says.

The Inquiry Panel also supports user charges for solid waste collection and disposal. This is something the Greens’ Waste Minimisation Bill intends to do, potentially generating $40 million per year for local authorities to go towards efforts to minimise and recycle waste.

“We also agree with the panel that Māori land is valued too highly and as such local authority rates are too high. Local government needs to work with and better understand the issues of Māori land and Māori land loss.

“We support a coordinated and consistent approach to remission and postponement of rates on Māori land

“The Greens fought hard to get the issue of affordability considered and are pleased to see the panel acknowledge that councils should set rates with affordability for citizens in mind. We support the recommendation to consider rate rebates, such as for those in retirement villages and papakainga.

“We also agree whole-heartedly that conservation land must remain rates exempt. However, we welcome the proposed removal of exemptions for other Crown land - this will provide a much-needed increase in revenue for areas such as the West Coast,” Mrs Turei says.

“The report does address the need to review the FAR (Financial Assistance Rate) for major urban arterial roads but fails to tackle the need to review current FAR rates for public transport - an investment that would make the building of further major roads through our towns and cities unnecessary.”

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