Your say on draft GW parks network plan

Greater Wellington Regional Council

Thursday 27 May 2010, 2:46PM

By Greater Wellington Regional Council



The key principles underpinning the management of Greater Wellington’s parks network, and maps outlining future changes to parks are key features of the Greater Wellington Parks Network Plan – Draft.

Currently out for public consultation, the draft plan is Greater Wellington’s first-ever “consolidated” parks network management plan. It’s designed to give a much better overview of regional parks and forests as a network and provide a more integrated management regime. (Previously, Greater Wellington had separate management plans for each of its parks, which were reviewed individually.)

"Publicly-owned open spaces where people can enjoy nature are becoming increasingly important in today’s society," says Cr Chris Laidlaw, Chair of Greater Wellington’s Regional Sustainability Committee. “We want to work together with other open space providers in future to get a balanced mix of active and passive recreation facilities, and to protect the region’s precious biodiversity.”

Cr Laidlaw says that our region is becoming more culturally diverse and the population is aging – and that these factors are driving a demand for more quality open space close to where we live, with a range of experiences.

“Working with the community to meet people’s needs is a core element of the new management regime. But it won’t always be easy – finding the balance between human activity and local ecology can be challenging and will require increased flexibility and understanding from everybody,” says Cr Laidlaw.

A wide range of views were sought to develop the draft. Greater Wellington asked the public for comments and suggestions late last year and received 57 submissions; iwi were consulted; and officers met with community groups, relevant councils, and the Department of Conservation.

The consultation closes on 23 July 2010. For a copy of the draft plan, an online submission form and dates of public meetings, go to