Gambling policy on Council agenda

Wednesday 2 June 2010, 7:35AM

By Nelson City Council



When Council meets on Thursday 3 June changes to the Gambling Policy 2007 will be on the agenda. This is the final stage in the recent review and consultation of the draft Policy.

A panel of Councillors recently heard submissions on the policy covering a wide range of views from different sectors of the community. Some submitters supported a significant cut in the number of gaming machines (pokies) able to operate in Nelson. However several sporting groups noted the benefit that grants from gaming trusts brought to the community.

The Panel has now recommended a number of changes be made to the policy. These include reducing the cap on gaming machines (pokies) to 285 and the relaxation of some of the rules around where gaming venues can be located.
Council will discuss these proposals and potentially adopt the revised policy at Thursday’s meeting.

Please note: The meeting date of 3 June differs from that originally advised (17 June) for discussion on the Policy.