Central Plains Water decision released

Environment Canterbury

Wednesday 2 June 2010, 2:32PM

By Environment Canterbury



The hearing panel appointed by Environment Canterbury and the Selwyn District Council have released their decision on the resource consents and Notice of Requirement for Central Plains Water Trust and Central Plains Water Limited.

Philip Milne, Andrew Fenemor, Raymond O’Callaghan and Robert Nixon have granted 31 consents relating to the construction and operation of the Central Plains Water Enhancement Scheme (in relation to the intakes, headrace and associated works) subject to conditions.

The commissioners have also recommended that the Notice of Requirement, which is subject to conditions, be confirmed for Central Plains Water Limited.

The hearing began in February 2008, and concluded on March 25, 2010. The commissioners and submitters sat for 71 days at a cost of more than $2 million to Central Plains Trust. Around 2000 people or organisations submitted on the application.

“The hearing costs were significant as commissioners had to make a number of additional requests for information from the applicant throughout the hearing,” said Don Rule, director resource planning and consents.

Although the applicant’s original plans included the damming of the Waianiwaniwa Valley, the commissioners indicated last year that this aspect was unlikely to be granted and the applicant opted to continue the hearing process with an amended run-of-river scheme with no storage component.

Environment Canterbury has granted a total of 24 resource consents; seven relating to land use, seven for water take and diversion and a further ten discharge permits. Selwyn District Council have issued seven resource consents for the construction, use and maintenance of pipelines, open channels or waterways to convey water in throughout the Malvern area, including utility buildings and structures along or adjacent to the distribution networks.

The commissioners have issued their final decision in 12 parts to enable to parties to view which part is most applicable to them.

All parties will be advised of the decision made by the commissioners and submitters will have 15 working days to appeal.

A copy of the decision is online at