Greenpeace global energy blueprint shows alternative vision

Greenpeace Aotearoa

Wednesday 9 June 2010, 7:25AM

By Greenpeace Aotearoa


Governments investing in a greener future have the potential to massively cut global carbon emissions and create millions of jobs but New Zealand risks missing this opportunity, says Greenpeace.

According to one of the most comprehensive plans for future sustainable energy provision launched today by Greenpeace and the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC) (1) the global renewable power industry could support 8.5 million jobs by 2030 (2) and global carbon emissions could be cut by 80 per cent by 2050.

The report: ‘Energy [R]evolution: A Sustainable World Energy Outlook’(3), provides a detailed practical blueprint for cutting carbon emissions while achieving economic growth by replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy and energy efficiency. This phase-out of fossil fuels offers substantial benefits such as energy security, independence from world market fuel prices, the creation of millions of new green jobs and emission cuts large enough to deal with the climate crisis.

The overall annual market for renewable technology will increase from around US$100 billion today, to more than US$600 billion by 2030.

“Our Energy Revolution scenario shows how to eliminate unpredictable fossil fuel costs, destructive mining and oil exploration and with it catastrophes such as the current BP Gulf oil spill,” said Sven Teske, Greenpeace International’s Senior Energy Expert and co-author of the report. “Investing in people, rather than dirty and dangerous fossil fuels not only boosts global economic development but stems catastrophic climate change.”

However, Simon Boxer, Greenpeace New Zealand Climate Campaigner said the New Zealand Government was struggling to understand this new global reality.

“Our Government is unveiling a new era of coal mining and oil drilling that is a reversion to 19th century economic thinking and one that does not account for the climate crisis. If our Government continues on its current path our businesses and economy will miss out and be left behind by this global green economic revolution, to the detriment of all New Zealanders.”

“New Zealand is already perfectly positioned to join the new, green economic revolution. The world wants to engage with what we have – an international clean and green reputation, an abundance of renewable energy resources and technologies, and renowned bright minds. Greenpeace has developed a vision for the future that creates jobs and deals with the climate crisis. But where is the New Zealand Government’s economic vision for the future?” said Boxer.

Christine Lins, Secretary General of the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC): “The 2010 Energy Revolution report outlines pathways towards a 100 per cent renewable energy supply for the world. It demonstrates that there is no technological barrier to achieving this vision and reaping its many benefits in terms of the environment and jobs. The barrier is political. All that is now needed to set a sustainable energy future for our planet is the political will,” said

The Energy [R]evolution scenario shows how to create about 12 million jobs, that is 8.5 million in the renewables sector alone, by 2030. Under business as usual global renewable power jobs would be only 2.4 million of the global power sector’s 8.7 million jobs. By implementing the Energy [R]evolution 3.2 million or over 33 per cent more jobs globally will be created in the power sector.

"While many additional ‘Just Transition’ policies will be needed to ensure workers will reap the benefits of a new low-carbon economy - skills, social protection, quality of jobs; the Energy Revolution report introduces interesting ideas which will scale up investments in renewable energies, something crucial if we want to fight future unemployment in the energy sector and avoid the poorest of the planet, whose jobs depend on natural resources, paying the costs of business-as-usual," said Guy Ryder, General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

Global CO2 emissions under the Energy [R]evolution scenario would peak in 2015 and drop afterwards. Compared with 1990 CO2 emissions will be more than 80 per cent lower by 2050 if the energy supply is based almost entirely on renewable energies. By 2050 around 95 per cent of electricity could be produced by renewable energy.
Related Reports
AT A GLANCE: Energy [R]evolution: A Sustainable World Energy Outlook
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Notes to Editor
1. Created on 13 April 2000, the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC) is the umbrella organisation of the European renewable energy industry, trade and research associations active in the sectors of photovoltaics, small hydropower, solar thermal, bioenergy, geothermal, ocean, concentrated solar power and wind energy. EREC represents an industry with an annual turnover of EUR 70 billion and providing over 550.000 jobs.

2. The latest Energy [R]evolution report published today has two different energy [r]evolution scenarios. A moderate one with a global target of reducing 50% energy related CO2 globally by 2050 and an advanced one with a target of over 80% CO2 reduction (basis 1990 level). In this release we only present the results of the advanced scenario.

3. This is the third edition of the global Energy [R]evolution scenario since the first one was published in January 2007, the analysis has been constantly deepened. In the second edition we introduced specific research for the transport sector and an investigation of the pathway to future investment in renewable energies. Since then we have published country specific scenarios for over 30 countries and regions, added a study of the employment implications of the scenarios and a detailed examination of how the grid network needs to be improved and adapted.

4. The report was developed in conjunction with specialists from the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), the Dutch Institute Ecofys and more than 40 scientists and engineers from universities, institutes and the renewable energy industry around the world. The report provides a comprehensive global energy concept which gives a detailed analysis of how to restructure the global energy system based on a detailed regional assessment for the potential of proven renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and the utilisation of efficient, decentralised cogeneration. The Energy [R]evolution Scenario is compared to a ‘business as usual’ scenario provided by the International Energy Association’s breakdown of 10 world regions as used in the ongoing series of World Energy Outlook reports.

5. For a more in depth briefing on the latest edition of the Energy [R]evolution scenario go to

6. To access infographics please go to

7. To learn more about the Energy [R]evolution download our new iphone App at