Newsletter No 20 For 2010 From The Climate Realists Against The ETS

Clare Swinney

Wednesday 9 June 2010, 8:50PM

By Clare Swinney


Here is the latest newsletter from farmers Neil & Esther Henderson, the couple who became political activists to fight against the implementation of the unjustifiable tax.

Greetings Climate Realists,

The 1st July deadline for the implementation of the ETS, affecting fuel and electricity prices, draws ever closer.

As this date approaches, efforts to persuade the government to change its stance have been redoubled.

The biggest and best opportunity for us to show our opposition is to attend the PROTEST MARCH being held in Wellington on 22 June- 12- 1pm- further details below.
For those in the deep south - John Key will be speaking at the Federated Farmers conference at the Ascot Park Hotel in Invercargill on Friday, 25 June - a great opportunity to either attend (details below) or hold a protest outside the event.

Considering the number of farmers who are opposed to the ETS it would be good to have a large number turn out to tell John Key that when he is addressing a farmers' conference... why not come along and bring a friend?- and a placard!!!

A major salute to John Boscawen who has travelled the length and breadth of New Zealand over the past few weeks, informing all who will listen, about the ETS.
Thank you too to the many on this network who have written letters to the Prime Minister John Key, to Nick Smith and all other National MPs.

Indications are they are hearing the message loud and clear- however now is the time to increase the pressure as Nick puts the antagonism down to confusion and misunderstanding on the part of us poor dumb voters, and prepares to educate us all via public meetings and letterbox drops.
Happy reading, and we hope to meet many of you at the Fieldays and in Wellington!!!
all the best,
Neil and Esther

At Parliament Grounds, Wellington
Tuesday 22 June
*****note amended time*****
We will gather at the Civic Centre by the Michael Fowler hall at 12.00pm.
March to Parliament 12.30- 1.00pm.

Organised by Brian Anselmi ph 07 8778358
or check the home page at for further details as they come to hand.
Those of you who have networks and distribution lists please use them to inform the general public of this event.
People travelling from further afield- it has been suggested you might like to arrive very early, in order to obtain a car park. Bring farm vehicles!!!
Bring placards, banners...... bring a friend!

Note from Doreen: Jetstar have cheap flights and there are still a lot of tickets available out of Auckland- cost us $132.00 return.
Volunteers needed:
Do you live in or near Wellington? Would you be able to help distribute flyers locally?
Please contact Neil Harrap if you can assist.
Phone: 04 499 1212
Mobile: 027 499 1212

If you are willing and able to help hand out flyers at the Mystery Creek Fieldays in Hamilton 16-19 June, please email Neil and Esther Henderson at
DONATIONS: If you would like to donate toward the cost of organising the protest march in Wellington please contact us at

We will be selling bumper stickers and distributing pamphlets and flyers about the protest march at the Mystery Creek Fieldays.
Find us in the Rural Living Hall, sharing the ACT party booth.
Thanks very much to the Act people who have generously allowed us some space at their site.

ETS Meetings:Come to one of John Boscawen's next Public Meetings. Join the movement to defer the ETS well armed with the facts, not the mistruths National are peddling.

Paihiatua - Wednesday 9 June - 10.00am, Tararua Club, 15 Tararua Street.
Fielding - Wednesday 9 June - 1.30pm, The Cedar Room, The Civic Centre, 84 Aorangi Street.
Palmerston North - Wednesday 9 June - 7.30pm, RSA, Cabaret Room, 200 Broadway Avenue.
Dannevirke - Thursday 10 June - 10.00am, 'The Hub', Dannevirke Christian Fellowship Centre, Allardice St.
Waipukurau - Thursday 10 June - 1.30pm, Civic Theatre, Gallery Room, 14 Northumberland St.
Hastings - Thursday 10 June - 7.30pm, Angus Hotel, Matariki Lounge, 507 Railway Road.
Napier - Friday 11 June - 10.00am, Napier War Memorial Conference Centre, Break Out Room 1,
48 Marine Parade. (Note time is 10am, not 11am as advertised in his own newsletter by mistake!)
Dargaville - Monday 14 June - 11.00am, Pono (Masonic) Lodge, 39 Hokianga Road.
Whangarei - Monday 14 June - 7.30pm, The Pickwick Room, Dickens Inn, 71 Cameron Street.
Other meetings scheduled, venues to be advised:
Katikati - Monday 28 June
Te Puke - Monday 28 June
Tauranga - Monday 28 June
For more information call 09 531 5531 or email
To subscribe to John Boscawen's ETS newsletter, emai with the word "Subscribe" in the subject line.

ETS Meeting with Rodney Hide - 9 June, Pukekohe
Public Meeting with Hon Rodney Hide MP, Leader, ACT New Zealand
Where: Franklin: The Centre, 12 Massey Avenue, Pukekohe
When: Wednesday 9 June, 7.00pm - 9.00pm



New Zealand's Prime Minister, the Hon John Key MP, is to participate in a two-hour session as part of Federated Farmers National Conference on Friday 25 June. It marks the first time Federated Farmers National Conference is being held in Invercargill.

"This is an outstanding opportunity for farmers and Southlanders to spend quality time with our nation's leader," says Don Nicolson, President of Federated Farmers.

"While the Prime Minister's luncheon is the centerpiece of our final day, the Prime Minister has kindly agreed to stay on for almost two-hours in order to mix with farmers and our guests.

"Given this is quality time Federated Farmers, in another first, is making seats available to non-delegates. Details of which, can be obtained by calling 0800 FARMING (0800 327 646)

"As the Prime Minister speech will be about ‘challenges, opportunities, success', incidentally our conference theme, I am certain those who attend will get an invaluable insight into the direction New Zealand is taking.

"Moreover as Southland is my home province, Federated Farmers wishes to show the Prime Minister how agriculture has formed an integral part of Southland's economic renaissance," Mr Nicolson concluded.

Notes to editors and media

Prime Minister of New Zealand, the Hon John Key MP, will speak on ‘Challenges, opportunities, success' as part of Federated Farmers 111th National Conference.

The Prime Minister will be speaking as part of a luncheon on Friday, 25 June 2010 in Invercargill (1145am to be seated by 12pm (sharp) through to 1.45pm).

Following the luncheon address the Prime Minister will mix among Federated Farmers National Council members and guests.

For the general public - Non-members of Federated Farmers are invited to attend the Prime Minister's luncheon but cost recovery for food will apply. Please call Federated Farmers on 0800 FARMING (0800 327 646) for details.

For media - there is no charge for media covering the Prime Minister's speech (including lunch). Please RSVP to A detailed conference media advisory will be issued later today for entire conference.

NZ Farmers- Fight All Ridiculous Taxes
"Just maybe, New Zealand has embarked on a lonely, delusional, badly-timed odyssey that will cost the country dearly – leaving the rest of the world shaking its collective head in amused bewilderment. New Zealand, the land which swallowed its own propaganda. " David Broome comments for Federated Farmers on New Zealand's emissions trading scheme.
ETS or bust?

With emission schemes stalled from Washington to Canberra, David Broome asks if Federated Farmers could be set to ‘fight all ridiculous taxes’ in F.A.R.T 2.0.

It may be that New Zealand has just embarked on the most audacious branding exercise ever conceived. Global in scope, the brand takes market forces, supercharges them with the power of righteousness and uses them to drive what to-all-intents-and-purposes, is a moral crusade. All going to plan, other nations will be powerless to resist the brand’s underlying logic with our goods sailing (but not flying) out the door to grateful buyers willing to pay a huge price premium.

Read the full article at:

Hi -- Here we go again - more nonsense from the idiots at the UN. A lesser consumption of animal products is necessary to save the world from the worst impacts of climate change, a UN report says.
Sorry folks, agriculture is the largest sector of New Zealand's tradeable economy and accounts for about two-thirds of our exports. While there are only 4 million Kiwis, we have 39.5 million sheep, 4..5 million beef cattle, 5.2 million dairy cattle and 1.6 million deer.
As the Asian economies grow, let's hope they buy heaps more of our meat and dairy products. -- Bob.

University of Pennsylvania research paper:
A Legal examination of AGW Science claims

This month I am going to dedicate any blogging solely to the ETS as it is intended to be implemented on 1 July.


Hello all,
I’ve already written to the PM and Bill English. They each sent a bland reply about not their portfolio and forwarded to the Minister. His office sent a reply saying he would reply at his convenience. How arrogant and typical.
John Boscawen is slowly uncovering the fraud and working I suspect 24 / 7 to do so. He is a grafter and an extremely nice guy. Please give him your support by writing to your MP and copying the PM.
Jack B

I think the reason John Key and Nick Smith are sticking doggedly to introducing the ETS ( when other countries are showing more intelligence) is that they are relying on the income gained to supplement the shortfall in the reduction of taxes announced in the budget and also the never ending ( and escalating} Waitangi claims.
Paul D

ETS = Extra Tax Scam, How else is the Government going to get the cash it needs to balance its books without sorting out the Public Service.
Graham G
I think that counter-action should be a simple matter of going to prominent places in town, and hanging around with the Greenies, telling people the other side of the story. By prominent places I mean squares and other busy, well known areas.

Green Peace relies on a psychological "feel good" form of persuasion. This
should be countered by telling people what a nightmare it will be, if we are
gullible enough to go along with the man-made global warming nonsense. The ETS is a rip-off which achieves next to nothing, and this nonsensical regulation is going to drag down our quality of life. Students will take longer to get out of debt, and no one is going to have children until they're 30-45 (depending on what they study). It also leaves the door open for more bad laws in the future.

Imagine what it'd be like if we had carbon dioxide ration cards one day. You'd probably get shot with a taser gun if you didn't comply with the new earth religion. We don't want this kind of future. That should be the message.

Unfortunately the recent "WE" conference in Christchurch (a forum for young people), concluded that man-man global warming is the biggest threat to our future. They also said that older generations should do more to fight the carbon dioxide. We must stop the brainwashing before it's too late.
Jeff M

Hi Neil & Esther,
Here are a few clips from the past. These are comments from Nick Smith and a web site that was run by national before John Key took over. It looks like National is led by schizophrenics or they have an agenda that is being directed from somewhere other than their NZ constituents.

Nick Smith
Nelson/Marlborough Farming Column
December 2005

The appetite of Dr Cullen and this Government for more taxes is legendary, 43 new and increased levies and taxes have been introduced. The latest is the carbon tax. It will add 6c per litre to the price of petrol, 7c per litre to diesel, 6% to all power bills and put the price of coal and gas up by 9%.

This week National launches the campaign. The new finely balanced Parliament gives us the opportunity to send the carbon tax the way of the fart tax.

Nick Smith 2010
The Government's Climate Change Response (Moderated Emissions Trading) Amendment Bill passed its third reading in Parliament today with the support of the Maori and United Future parties.

"This law delivers for New Zealand a workable and affordable scheme that will encourage emission reductions and afforestation," Minister for Climate Change Issues Nick Smith says. "It is an important first step for New Zealand in doing our fair share on climate change after 15 years of debate