Bethune's trial unfair due to Govt inaction

Green Party

Friday 11 June 2010, 8:09AM

By Green Party


Pete Bethune’s chances of a fair trial were harmed because John Key’s Government dragged its feet, said the Green Party today.

A Maritime New Zealand investigation into the incident that sunk the Ady Gil is still months away from completion. Mr Bethune’s trial ends today and the verdict is likely to come before the end of June.

“The Maritime New Zealand investigation into the alleged ramming of the Ady Gil was critical to Pete’s defence, and yet the report remains incomplete after all these months,” Green Party Oceans Spokesperson Gareth Hughes said.

The report was delayed while Maritime New Zeland waited for technical information from Japan, which only came through this week. It is anticipated that several more months will pass before the report is released, as the agency plans to circulate the draft report internally and externally for comment.

“We understand Maritime NZ wants to get all the facts right, however, this report is essential in understanding what caused the collision on the high seas and whether Pete was within his legal rights.

“Japan has been clearly stalling, potentially to deliberately thwart the course of justice for an NZ citizen,” said Mr Hughes. “The incident happened over 5 months ago. Why did it take so long for the Japanese to release the information?

“How can the trial be fair, when the world still doesn’t know the facts of what happened out there to a New Zealand flagged vessel with a Kiwi skipper and crew?

“Why has the John Key Government not done more to get this crucial information from the Japanese earlier, to defend the rights of a Kiwi who is now being tried as a criminal for attempting to uphold the international law that protects whales?” said Mr Hughes.

“New Zealand hasn’t done enough to ensure Pete’s defence has a fair go. It is clear that kow-towing to political and commercial interests are more valuable to the John Key Government than upholding justice.”