Time to tackle winter gardening jobs

Taranaki Regional Council

Monday 14 June 2010, 8:26AM

By Taranaki Regional Council



Now's the time to tackle those winter jobs in the garden and catch up on other tasks that didn't get completed during the busy growing season.

Tips for winter pruning, lifting and dividing perennials, and techniques for growing great garlic in the home garden will be shared at a free public workshop at Hollard Gardens, Kaponga, on Sunday 20 June.

In the ornamental garden participants will learn techniques for pruning shrubs for establishment and renovation. Garlic growing tips will be demonstrated in Bernie's Home Garden.

The Council's Regional Gardens Manager, Greg Rine, says winter is also an ideal time for lifting and dividing perennials.

"We have selected some perennials in both the Old Garden and the New Garden that will benefit from our attention."

The two-hour workshop will be from 2pm to 4pm on Sunday, 20 June, at the events pavilion at Hollard Gardens, 1686 Upper Manaia Road, Kaponga. It is part of a series of free public events at Hollard Gardens and Tupare, the other Taranaki Regional Council heritage property. A cup of tea will be provided.

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