Blessing ceremony to launch construction of Wairere Drive extension
Wairere Drive Extension Blessing Ceremony.
Where: Wairere Drive (east)
When: 11.45am for 12 noon start, Friday 31 August 2007
Programme: To launch the construction of Wairere Drive extension (Hukanui Road to Tramway Road). The ceremony will consist of a few brief speeches, the blessing, followed by refreshments and an opportunity to interview key partners in the project.
Access Information: To access the site from the Hukanui Road/Wairere Drive roundabout, turn onto Wairere Drive (east), drive to the end of the road. You will be directed from there onto the site.
Hamilton City Council recently awarded a contract to Fulton Hogan for construction of the Wairere Drive extension between Hukanui Road and Tramway Road. The $20m project is the largest Council has ever awarded. The Land Transport New Zealand Board has approved funding assistance of 55 per cent of $15.3m for the extension project. The balance of the project cost is for water and wastewater infrastructure. Since February 2007, detailed design, planning and tendering processes have been completed.
This project forms part of the city’s ring road and is a key part of the Access Hamilton integrated transport system, which includes off-road pedestrian and cycling facilities. The new road will link Hukanui Road to Tramway Road and is the next step in the greater Wairere Drive corridor that will in time connect with Cobham Drive.
In addition to the transport elements of the project, Council is investing in significant wastewater and clean water infrastructure through this corridor. These components will be constructed as part of the same contract.
Part of the process Council undertook was to work with the prospective contractors to promote innovation to achieve cost savings and minimise public disruption through the construction period. This has been a successful process and will significantly reduce the impact on residents in the area, in addition to the design features that include extensive landscaping and noise mitigation.