Flavell welcomes Maori soccer aspirations

Te Ururoa Flavell

Thursday 17 June 2010, 8:16AM

By Te Ururoa Flavell


Maori Party sports spokesperson Te Ururoa Flavell says it is great that Maori know they have a place in the world’s most popular sport because of the stunning performances of Leo Bertos, Jeremy Christie, Rory Fallon and Winston Reid in the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

“These world class players have made us so proud because they are blazing a trail for our young Maori children in a sport which has been growing in profile.

"What is even more pleasing is that all these young professional sportsmen are proud of their tribal roots and see themselves as contributing by their hard work and dedication to encouraging young Maori to achieve as they have.

Ngati Porou's Oceania's footballer of the century, Wynton Whai Rufer as the most celebrated of our soccer players, has stated that football in this country will change as more Maori enter the game – a trend he is seeing as more Maori youth enter his Wynrs Academy and pursue careers internationally, Mr Flavell said.

"Today's victorious last minute goal will have inspired many whanau to give football another look.”

He said what might not be widely known is that Maori have, since the last All Whites foray to a Soccer World Cup, had Maori players represented in the All Whites including Richard Mulligan, Shane and Wynton Rufer, Vaughan Coveney, Heremaia Ngata, Johnny Enoka and Rikki van Steeden.